Quanzhou tianyu Stationery Co., Ltd.

Main products: Various kinds of stationeries , including student stationeries , fancy stationeries and office stationeries

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Established in 1992, Quanzhou Tianyu Stationery Co., Ltd. is engaged in manufacturing stationeries, and we capture both consumers and industrial segments of stationeries. Our products include student stationeries, office stationeries and also innovative stationeries. In human resource, we have valued experience key management and fine selected engineers with technicians as driving forces behind the organization. Under leadership of our talented management team, our skilled employees are well trained, motivated and committed to their job tasks and we constantly strive to ensure that our employees are performing to their fullest potential. Indeed, base on hard research and analysis, we always offer something better, innovative and valuable to our valued buyers. Our core competency is to exceed the expectation of our valued buyers and end-users by producing and offering quality products while maintaining highest standard of professionalism and ethics to ensure full satisfaction and approval.

Basic Information

Business TypeTrading Company
Company NameQuanzhou tianyu Stationery Co., Ltd.
Factory LocationSunriver Building, Wanggong Yuantai Industrial Area, Fuqiao Licheng District, Quanzhou City, Fujian Shangluo,Shaanxi
Main MarketsNorth America , South America , Eastern Europe
Main ProductsVarious kinds of stationeries , including student stationeries , fancy stationeries and office stationeries
Number of Workers101 - 200 People
We ProvideVarious kinds of stationeries , including student stationeries , fancy stationeries and office stationeries
Year Established2005

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